On Mon, 27 Aug 2012 14:13:12 -0500 "McKown, John"
<john.mck...@healthmarkets.com> wrote:

:>Very nice! I'll just eliminate the LTR as other posts have shown and use the 
AR R15,0  / BR R14 that Mr. Ehrman showed as well. I first came up with my 
"solution" when I was a wee, young sysprog and have never bothered to change. 
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
:>   CALL ...
:>   LTR  R15,R15
:>   JM   BAD_RC
:>   LA   R0,3
:>   NR   R0,R15

Why not TMLL  R15,3

:>   JNZ  BAD_RC
:>   AR   R15,R0
:>   BR   R15
:>   J   RC4
:>   J   RC8
:>I did the LTR / JM to include checking a negative RC, instead of the CL Tony 
used, because I wanted to avoid needing a base register. Yes, I know I need one 
for the literal pool if I have any literals. I try to avoid literals as much as 
possible by using immediate instructions where the value is defined in an EQU.

Binyamin Dissen <bdis...@dissensoftware.com>

Director, Dissen Software, Bar & Grill - Israel

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you should preauthorize the dissensoftware.com domain.

I very rarely bother responding to challenge/response systems,
especially those from irresponsible companies.

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