The arithmetic function that mathematicians call signum, viz., for an
arithmetic expression x

signum(x) = -1, a < 0,
signum(x) =  0,  a = 0,
signum(x) = +1, a > 0

is available as a BIF called sign in PL/I, where it is [almost always]
implemented in line.  An analogous function is available for strings
in C, where it is implemented as a library subroutine.  It has always
been available in FORTRAN in the form of the much deprecated but in
fact enormously useful arithmetic-IF statement

When it is implemented in statement-level procedural languages each
iteration of a binary search typically makes a second binary
comparison iff a first one fails.  There is an optimal ordering of
these comparisons, which depends upon how middling subscript values
are calculated, but the details are probably TMI here.

For the modestly suboptimal case in which the search argument is
compared first with a current middling table element for equality,  it
is clear that two comparisons---binary ones implemented at the
machine-code level as specialized ternary ones--are executed for all
but the last iteration of successful searches, of which there are n.

For most SLPL implementations Knuth's M(n) thus becomes something like

M*(n) = 2M(n) - n

The number of comparison operations--This number for the usual 2n + 1q
search arguments is Knuth's figure of merit for binary-search
schemes--is thus roughly doubled.
The availability of a ternary comparison is thus very important for
binary-search performance.  (This issue is often, even usually, fudged
in programmjing texts for ideological reasons.  Ternary-comparison
operations are judged to be 'unstructured', even 'anarchic' by many
academics.  In fact some uses of them are and some are not; but this
distinction is judged oversubtle for their students.)

No optimizing compiler rhat I am familiar, including the current
shared C and PL/I optimizer, collapses sequences of binary comparisons
into a smaller number of ternary ones; and this would be difficult to
do in general, although compact special cases like those that occur
typically in binary-search routines are probably tractable.

John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721 - USA

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