On 2013-10-21 14:35, Gainsford, Allen wrote:
>> It is known, was indeed emphasized by Backus, is that he was much
>> concerned not to deprive 704 assembly-language programmers of
>> facilities they prized.  His situation was very different from
>> ours today.  He wanted to open up programming to others, but he
>> crucially needed to convince 704 assembly-language programmers of
>> the time---There were no others---that FORTRAN was not a
>> performance dog; and to this end he tried very hard to make
>> analogues of the crucial 704 machine instructions available in
> Whereas nowadays IBM seem to add new instructions to support the programming 
> languages!
I believe this is a fortiori true for FORTRAN's signum function
because that was a hardware instruction on the 704.

And that Wirth made cardinality a function in Pascal because it
was a machine instruction on the CDC 6600.

But that had disastrous consequences.  Operator precedence in
Pascal is pernicious; I suspect that the reason is that Wirth
wanted not to allow more nonterminal symbols in the grammar
than could be represented in a bitset in a 60-bit word.

-- gil

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