On 2015-10-15, at 10:45, John McKown wrote:
> ​I had some "weird" assembler code which "optimized" something like that
> long ago. I did a complicated series of test and ended with a CC for ==0 or
> <0 or >0. I then used the IPM instruction to save the CC in a general
> register. Later, I did an SPM in a number of places afterwards to restore
> the CC before doing a branch.​
It can't be too long ago.  I recall struggling to backport some code
which used IPM...SPM to older hardware that lacked those instructions.
I refractured the intervening code so it never changed CC.  In doing
so, I replaced:

    SH  Rx,=H(8)
    LH  Ry,=H(-4096)
    LA  Rx,4088(Rx,Ry)

My colleagues still sometimes argue, "That can't work!"  Well, it
does work if you need only 24-bit or 31-bit range.

Incidentally, I tried:

    LH  Ry,=H(-4096)
    USING -4096,Ry
    LA  Rx,-8(Rx)

... which also works.  An old Bitsavers Assembler manual says the
range of a USING is limited to -x'FFFFFF' to +x'FFFFFF' (24-bits).
HLASM says, "non-negative" but reports no error.  Is this a deliberate
restriction of the specification, with an oversight in implementation?
Tachyon reports the error.

And I have one outré case, not violating the current specification
of USING, where HLASM generates manifestly incorrect code.  As I
envision the OCO logic, base-displacement resolution must have
encountered and ignored a 32-bit integer overflow.

-- gil

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