I was taught that to make it easy to read, do the following:
      BL   *+4+2
       LR  R1,R2
      BL   *+4+2+4
       LR  R1,R2
       LA  R3,0(,r1)
It may not look right in your email, but the branched around instructions are indented one extra character.

Tony Thigpen

Phil Smith III wrote on 08/03/2018 10:40 AM:
Peter Relson wrote:

I don't remember who taught me the technique, though it must have been at UofW in the 
early 80s. I internalized it as "This isn't a 'real' branch-that is, we aren't going 
very far, just skipping a single instruction". And I would never, ever, ever 
consider doing it for more than one instruction.

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