>We were all very conscious of "economy in all things programming" in those

We? I've been programming since 1960, and I was never concerned with how much 
space the source code took. The important things were how quickly the code ran 
and how easy it was to maintain. There's economy and there's false economy.

>A label would consume two lines of printout,

Not unless you had it on an extraneous DS    0H, EQU   *, or equivalent, and 
even then an extra line on the listing was no big deal.

BTW, when I started 8-character labels would have sounded like Heaven; I was 
used to 5-character labels and even the big powerful 7090 only had 6-character 

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List <ASSEMBLER-LIST@listserv.uga.edu> on behalf 
of Charles Mills <charl...@mcn.org>
Sent: Friday, August 3, 2018 11:12 AM
To: ASSEMBLER-LIST@listserv.uga.edu
Subject: Re: EQU * considered harmful

We were all very conscious of "economy in all things programming" in those
days. A label occupied a physical punched card or 80 bytes of precious DASD
space. Medium-sized (by the standards of those days) assemblies took minutes
and produced large paper listings. A label would consume two lines of
printout, one for the label and one for the xref (and one more if the macro
were local in the source file). I can easily envision someone saying "why
did you code that label??? You didn't need to do that! You could have just
coded *+12"


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List [mailto:ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU]
On Behalf Of Phil Smith III
Sent: Friday, August 3, 2018 7:40 AM
Subject: Re: EQU * considered harmful

Peter Relson wrote:

>I have no evidence one way or the other, but I wonder whether the writers

>of the "old" macros that used this style did so because they liked it (I

>think we can all agree that we now hate it), or because they wanted to

>avoid clutter of the listing or clutter of the XREF due to the extra

>labels (thus increasing the size of the listing at a time when that

>translated into a real cost of printing), or whether maybe assembler F

>(that's the earliest IBM assembler I ever worked with) had limits that

>they were worried about running aground upon, or ...

>I wonder if it had to do with to label uniqueness. When labels were

>limited to 8 characters (as they were at that time), even with &SYSNDX,

>maybe there was some concern about interfering with a user-created label.

>Nowadays, macroname_&SYSNDX is something we probably wouldn't mind

>creating as a label.

All good points. I think there was an element of keeping things cleaner/not
having to scavenge for label uniqueness with 8-character labels.

I don't remember who taught me the technique, though it must have been at
UofW in the early 80s. I internalized it as "This isn't a 'real' branch-that
is, we aren't going very far, just skipping a single instruction". And I
would never, ever, ever consider doing it for more than one instruction.

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