Looks like it is taking 'SR' as a label and '1,15' as an op ode.


At 02:28 PM 11/14/2023, João Reginato wrote:
I can't see the error on this simple code.
Can anyone help me pls?

João Reginato
(+55 61) 9911-55500

  Active Usings: None

  Loc  Object Code    Addr1 Addr2  Stmt   Source Statement
                 HLASM R6.0  2023/11/14 16.58
                                      1          MACRO
                                      2          ZERO  &N
                                      3 &REST    SETC  'SR    &N,&N'
                                      4          &REST
                                      5          MEND
                                      6          ZERO  15
                                      7+         SR    15,15
** ASMA057E Undefined operation code - 00004/SR    15,15
** ASMA435I Record 4 in JOAO.QWASM.JOB09574.D0000101.? on volume:
                                      8          END

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