You say that you want the instruction in a SETC, so presumably it might also be 
in 2, one for the opcode (SR in this case) and the other for the register? 

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: IBM Mainframe Assembler List <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> På vegne af 
João Reginato
Sendt: 14. november 2023 22:37
Emne: Re: ASMA057E Undefined operation code SR 15,15

yes, it worked too, but I still can't understand why. Maybe a bug?

Em ter., 14 de nov. de 2023 às 18:31, Willy Jensen <> escreveu:

> You still have one veriable set to 2 components.
> This works:
>           Macro
>           ZERO &N
>           lclc  &p1(2)
>  &p(1)    setc  'SR'
>  &p(2)    setc  '&n'
>           &p(1)  &p(2),&p(2)
>           Mend
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: IBM Mainframe Assembler List <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> På 
> vegne af João Reginato
> Sendt: 14. november 2023 22:27
> Emne: Re: ASMA057E Undefined operation code SR 15,15
> sublisted the same:
>   Loc  Object Code    Addr1 Addr2  Stmt   Source Statement
>                  HLASM R6.0  2023/11/14 18.26
>                                       1          MACRO
>                                       2 &NAME    ZERO  &N
>                                       3          LCLC  &INS(2)
>                                       4 &INS(1)  SETC  'SR '
>                                       5 &INS(2)  SETC  ' &N,&N'
>                                       6 &NAME    &INS(1).&INS(2)
>                                       7          MEND
> 000000                00000 00000     8 XYZ      CSECT
>                                       9 ABC      ZERO  15
>                                      10+ABC      SR  15,15
>                                      01-00006
> ** ASMA057E Undefined operation code - 00006/SR  15,15
> ** ASMA435I Record 6 in JOAO.QWASM.JOB09587.D0000101.? on volume:
>                                      11          END
> Em ter., 14 de nov. de 2023 às 18:25, João Reginato 
> <
> >
> escreveu:
> > same error with 2 variables:
> >
> >   Loc  Object Code    Addr1 Addr2  Stmt   Source Statement
> >                  HLASM R6.0  2023/11/14 18.23
> >                                       1          MACRO
> >
> >                                       2 &NAME    ZERO  &N
> >
> >                                       3          LCLC  &INS1,&INS2
> >
> >                                       4 &INS1    SETC  'SR '
> >
> >                                       5 &INS2    SETC  ' &N,&N'
> >
> >                                       6 &NAME    &INS1.&INS2
> >
> >                                       7          MEND
> >
> > 000000                00000 00000     8 XYZ      CSECT
> >
> >                                       9 ABC      ZERO  15
> >
> >                                      10+ABC      SR  15,15
> >                                      01-00006
> > ** ASMA057E Undefined operation code - 00006/SR  15,15
> >
> > ** ASMA435I Record 6 in JOAO.QWASM.JOB09586.D0000101.? on volume:
> >
> >
> >
> > Em ter., 14 de nov. de 2023 às 18:20, Willy Jensen < 
> >> escreveu:
> >
> >> Would a sublisted SETC do, where P(1) is the instruction and P(2) 
> >> is the register?
> >>
> >> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> >> Fra: IBM Mainframe Assembler List <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> 
> >> På vegne af João Reginato
> >> Sendt: 14. november 2023 22:16
> >> Emne: Re: ASMA057E Undefined operation code SR 15,15
> >>
> >> without the SETC it works but I need it to simplify the logic of a 
> >> bigger macro.
> >> .
> >> João Reginato
> >> (61) 9911-55500
> >>
> >>
> >> Em ter., 14 de nov. de 2023 às 18:08, Paul Gilmartin < 
> >>> escreveu:
> >>
> >> > On 11/14/23 13:58:30, João Reginato wrote:
> >> > > Gil
> >> > >
> >> > > I know it works in the way you've proposed but I need to use 
> >> > > the SETC in
> >> > a
> >> > > very bigger macro.
> >> > >.
> >> > Please post an example showing the failure without the SETC.
> >> >
> >> > Would it be better to have two separate MACROs, one of which 
> >> > calls the other?
> >> >
> >> > >> Em ter., 14 de nov. de 2023 às 17:46, Paul Gilmartin escreve:>>>> .
> >> > >>> I believe the SETC is unnecessary.  How a bout just:
> >> > >>>            MACRO
> >> > >>> &REST    ZERO  &N
> >> > >>> &REST    SR    &N,&N
> >> > >>>            MEND
> >> > >>>
> >> > >>>            START
> >> > >>> L        ZERO  15
> >> > >>>            END
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > gil
> >> >
> >>
> >

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