I have sometimes used global variables with a recursive call to simulate a 
macro subroutine to validate and set variables.

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: IBM Mainframe Assembler List <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> På vegne af 
Willy Jensen
Sendt: 14. november 2023 22:41
Emne: SV: ASMA057E Undefined operation code SR 15,15

No, your code uses one setc containing the entire 2nd part 'reg,reg', where 
mine uses one variable just for the reg and then the macro uses that var twice 
&regvar,&regvar Can't remember seeing it documented, but that is how I 
experience it.

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: IBM Mainframe Assembler List <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> På vegne af 
João Reginato
Sendt: 14. november 2023 22:37
Emne: Re: ASMA057E Undefined operation code SR 15,15

yes, it worked too, but I still can't understand why. Maybe a bug?

Em ter., 14 de nov. de 2023 às 18:31, Willy Jensen < 
willy.h.jen...@outlook.com> escreveu:

> You still have one veriable set to 2 components.
> This works:
>           Macro
>           ZERO &N
>           lclc  &p1(2)
>  &p(1)    setc  'SR'
>  &p(2)    setc  '&n'
>           &p(1)  &p(2),&p(2)
>           Mend
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: IBM Mainframe Assembler List <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> På 
> vegne af João Reginato
> Sendt: 14. november 2023 22:27
> Emne: Re: ASMA057E Undefined operation code SR 15,15
> sublisted the same:
>   Loc  Object Code    Addr1 Addr2  Stmt   Source Statement
>                  HLASM R6.0  2023/11/14 18.26
>                                       1          MACRO
>                                       2 &NAME    ZERO  &N
>                                       3          LCLC  &INS(2)
>                                       4 &INS(1)  SETC  'SR '
>                                       5 &INS(2)  SETC  ' &N,&N'
>                                       6 &NAME    &INS(1).&INS(2)
>                                       7          MEND
> 000000                00000 00000     8 XYZ      CSECT
>                                       9 ABC      ZERO  15
>                                      10+ABC      SR  15,15
>                                      01-00006
> ** ASMA057E Undefined operation code - 00006/SR  15,15
> ** ASMA435I Record 6 in JOAO.QWASM.JOB09587.D0000101.? on volume:
>                                      11          END
> Em ter., 14 de nov. de 2023 às 18:25, João Reginato 
> <jb.regin...@gmail.com
> >
> escreveu:
> > same error with 2 variables:
> >
> >   Loc  Object Code    Addr1 Addr2  Stmt   Source Statement
> >                  HLASM R6.0  2023/11/14 18.23
> >                                       1          MACRO
> >
> >                                       2 &NAME    ZERO  &N
> >
> >                                       3          LCLC  &INS1,&INS2
> >
> >                                       4 &INS1    SETC  'SR '
> >
> >                                       5 &INS2    SETC  ' &N,&N'
> >
> >                                       6 &NAME    &INS1.&INS2
> >
> >                                       7          MEND
> >
> > 000000                00000 00000     8 XYZ      CSECT
> >
> >                                       9 ABC      ZERO  15
> >
> >                                      10+ABC      SR  15,15
> >                                      01-00006
> > ** ASMA057E Undefined operation code - 00006/SR  15,15
> >
> > ** ASMA435I Record 6 in JOAO.QWASM.JOB09586.D0000101.? on volume:
> >
> >
> >
> > Em ter., 14 de nov. de 2023 às 18:20, Willy Jensen < 
> > willy.h.jen...@outlook.com> escreveu:
> >
> >> Would a sublisted SETC do, where P(1) is the instruction and P(2) 
> >> is the register?
> >>
> >> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> >> Fra: IBM Mainframe Assembler List <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> 
> >> På vegne af João Reginato
> >> Sendt: 14. november 2023 22:16
> >> Emne: Re: ASMA057E Undefined operation code SR 15,15
> >>
> >> without the SETC it works but I need it to simplify the logic of a 
> >> bigger macro.
> >> .
> >> João Reginato
> >> (61) 9911-55500
> >>
> >>
> >> Em ter., 14 de nov. de 2023 às 18:08, Paul Gilmartin < 
> >> 00000014e0e4a59b-dmarc-requ...@listserv.uga.edu> escreveu:
> >>
> >> > On 11/14/23 13:58:30, João Reginato wrote:
> >> > > Gil
> >> > >
> >> > > I know it works in the way you've proposed but I need to use 
> >> > > the SETC in
> >> > a
> >> > > very bigger macro.
> >> > >.
> >> > Please post an example showing the failure without the SETC.
> >> >
> >> > Would it be better to have two separate MACROs, one of which 
> >> > calls the other?
> >> >
> >> > >> Em ter., 14 de nov. de 2023 às 17:46, Paul Gilmartin escreve:>>>> .
> >> > >>> I believe the SETC is unnecessary.  How a bout just:
> >> > >>>            MACRO
> >> > >>> &REST    ZERO  &N
> >> > >>> &REST    SR    &N,&N
> >> > >>>            MEND
> >> > >>>
> >> > >>>            START
> >> > >>> L        ZERO  15
> >> > >>>            END
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > gil
> >> >
> >>
> >

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