This will be implemented in the next version (ClamAV and FileScan)!


Tom Shaw <> 
12.04.2009 22:54
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[Assp-test] SuspiciousVirus suggestion

Let me start with a statement that I am NOT a perl programmer so the 
below code suggestions should be taken as an attempt to communicate 
my suggestion in "pidgin perl" and no a direct replacement.

Background. ClamAV has a lot of options and detection types and I 
assume whatever people are using for file AV are similar.  ClamAV now 
has Google Safe browsing signatures, heuristic detection, as well as 
PUA detection and "unofficial" signatures.  ClamAV have become more 
than just a "virus" detection engine but an engine used to detect 
malware as well as malware vectors like phishing, etc.

As such there can be a higher probability of false positives as well 
as a need to have certain detections processed by further so that the 
scam can be entered into the bayesian database.

Thus I propose a slight change in SuspiciousVirus handling.  Rules 
would be written as:

re => weight

similar to DNSBLs. Thus, you might have:

/Phishing/i => 1.25
/Heuristic/ => 0.75
/Something that is FP to me/ => 0

So my code suggestion is to do something like this to read 
SuspiciousVirus or the file that contains the SuspiciousVirus rules:

                 # Read suspicious virus signatures and weights
                 #  SuspiciousVirusList [RE][weight]
                 while (<>) {
                                 @tmp = split /(?:\s+=>\s+)+/;
                                 $tmpRE = $tmp[1];
                                 $tmp[1] = qr/$tmpRE/;
                                 push @SuspiciousVirusList, [ @tmp ];

where SuspiciousVirusList is a 2 dimensional array containing 
[RE][weight].  Now replace current SuspiciousVirusRE test with 
something like:

     } elsif ( checkAVSignature($virus, $sig, $weight) ) {
         if ($weight) {
                         $score = $vsValencePB * $weight;
                                         $this->{messagereason} = 
"SuspiciousVirus: $virus '$sig'";
                         pbAdd( $fh, $this->{ip}, $score, "$virus", 1 );
                         $this->{prepend} = "[VIRUS][scoring]";
                         mlog( $fh, "'$virus' passing because of '$sig' 
weighted as $score" );
         } else {
                         mlog( $fh, "'$virus' whitelisted because of 
'$sig'" );
         return 1;

The function, checkAVSignature, checks the value returned by clamd 
against the array of [RE][weight] pairs and returns 0 (false) if not 
found or 1 (true) if found along with returning the sig identifier 
(this could be better) and the associated weight.

sub checkAVSignature($virus, $sig, $weight) {
                 for my $element (@{$SuspiciousVirusList}) {
                                 if $virus =~ ( '(' . $element[1] . ')' ) 
) {
                                                 $sig = $element[1];
                                                 $weight = $element[2];
                                                 return 1;
                 return 0;

I am sure that my perl is terrible but it is my attempt to help. 
This capability will provide for much better flexibility in handling 
clad responses aw well as the ability to fine tune scoring and deal 
with local detection issues.


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