Re: [Astlinux-users] Asterisk exiting
From: Martin Rogers <fromastlinux-us...@mh...> - 2008-12-16 00:05

This box has been fine for a couple of days but has just ditched 0.6.2
back to the OS prompt again

Can anyone advise on how I can capture debug trace info ready for the
next time it does it.

I have another system with almost identical software configuration
running on a Neoware E140 which has never crashed since its
installation. Apart from the motherboard, it differs from the crashing
box in two key respects. The machine which crashes out of asterisk :

1) runs a TDM400 (and so uses Zaptel drivers), and
2) it runs in a relatively cool environment (i.e. currently 0-6 degrees

Humidity may also be high. However I would have expected environmental
conditions to affect the hardware and therefore ditch the whole OS - not just Asterisk.... unless the TDM or its daughter boards are affected and
causing Asterisk to exit.

Any thoughts gratefully accepted.


Barring a crash of the Asterisk process(es), there ought to be something logged. Since you are not getting anything logged I wonder if you have a crash occurring...

I am still learning the AstLinux environment, however I know that on the Linux appliance we build where I work we end up putting crash files in /var/crash/ I am not sure if that is a standard convention or if it is simply my company's convention. Maybe someone can chime in to say if saving crash dumps is enabled on AstLinux and if not how to change it.

In the meantime, if you issue a "ulimit -c unlimited" command then run Asterisk from the shell you issued the ulimit command from you should get a core file if Asterisk is crashing. If that happens then we might have something to go on.

Good luck,

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