Asterisk fell over again overnight.

I had taken Tod's advice and have now captured a core file. Can anyone
please tell me where I can download a compatible gdb executable from
(Astlinux VIA 0.6.2) ?

I am interested to see what the problem is, as the core file is stamped
at 01:00:38 - which looks like it could be time related problem at 01:00
UTC (also my wallclock time).


> Barring a crash of the Asterisk process(es), there ought to be something
> logged. Since you are not getting anything logged I wonder if you have a
> crash occurring...
> I am still learning the AstLinux environment, however I know that on the
> Linux appliance we build where I work we end up putting crash files in
> /var/crash/ I am not sure if that is a standard convention or if it is
> simply my company's convention. Maybe someone can chime in to say if
> saving crash dumps is enabled on AstLinux and if not how to change it.
> In the meantime, if you issue a "ulimit -c unlimited" command then run
> Asterisk from the shell you issued the ulimit command from you should
> get a core file if Asterisk is crashing. If that happens then we might
> have something to go on.
> Good luck,
> Tod
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