> Hmmm... There are a few different versions of physdiskwrite.exe floating
> around out there... Make sure you get the right one...

I got it recently from the m0n0wall site - I'll see if I can find some
others to try, but just using Ubuntu is probably the answer. I'm intending
to write all this up when I get it working though, and it would be nice to
say something other than "I couldn't get this to work on Windows". I'm
tempted to experiment with cygwin, but I've had bad experiences in the
past (needing a reinstallation of windows to recover) so it's a bit of a
last resort.

By the way, "cleaning" the CF card using diskpart did seem to make a
difference - without it, the CF card is left blank (but partitioned).

> But I have done it [on Vista]...

That's useful to know, thanks. At least I'm not barking up an empty tree.

> You're limited to 12Mb/s on USB 1.1...

I'm on USB 2 - but maybe Ubuntu is dropping back, at least on a
"wubi-style" installation?

Phil McKerracher

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