> I'm a little skeptical about this...  the "dd" is known to blow away the
> formatting and partitioning of your disk...

What I found was that DD appeared to complete, but with the symptoms I
described before - the 4801 would boot but not all the way. When I tried
formatting the second partition afterwards using fdisk in Ubuntu though,
it wouldn't let me - it complained of multiple errors in the partitioning,
four "phantom" partititions that it wouldn't let me delete, clusters with
negative offsets etc. I couldn't find any way using Ubuntu to clear these
errors (which I believe were caused by physdiskwrite).

After completely reformatting the CF in Windows (and testing that I didn't
have a faulty card) I then re-ran DD and then fdisk in Ubuntu. This time I
could create and format the second partition OK, and it all ran on the
4801 at last.

This is all repeatable, by the way - I went around the loop a couple of
times because I didn't believe it myself.

I never did get physdiskwrite to work properly in Vista, even after
disabling UAC, setting win2k compatibility mode, running as administrator,
using the -u option etc. It sometimes produced a card that appeared to
have the right files on it, but never a card that would actually boot all
the way in the 4801. And it always gives a "write error" message.

I'm guessing it's impossible to completely generate the CF card in Vista
because there's no way to format the second partition in Linux (83)
format, and without it there's no way to get to the command prompt on the
4801 to do it there.

> Sounds like you need to mount your ASTURW filesystem, and then generated
> your kd...
> Running "genunion" from the CLI should do this.

I ran genunion and rebooted and it appeared to complete successfully.
Editing the main configuration using the web interface (and saving the
changes, obviously!) also appeared to work, but the changes were gone when
I rebooted. So either genunion didn't actually work, or the web interface
is changing the wrong file and it's being overwritten somehow, or there's
a problem with permissions. I haven't had a chance yet to investigate

Does anyone have suggestions for diagnosing the problem?

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