Phil McKerracher wrote:
> Yay! I got it to boot! I have my Christmas present. :-)
> I had to jump through all sorts of hoops, which I will document later -
> basically, clean and reformat the CF card in windows, THEN clean and
> reformat it in Ubuntu, run DD, create and format the secondary partition
> in Ubuntu then run genunion in astlinux.

I'm a little skeptical about this...  the "dd" is known to blow away the 
formatting and partitioning of your disk...

So anything that happens before this is obliterated (and therefore can 
safely be left out).

> I can see the web interface and everything - the only problem is, config
> changes are not sticking but I'm sure I can solve that.

Sounds like you need to mount your ASTURW filesystem, and then generated 
your kd...

Running "genunion" from the CLI should do this.

> The next step is to put some calls through, then I can order some more
> VoIP phones and help get the economy moving again. :-)

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