Darrick Hartman wrote:
On 12/29/2009 11:01 PM, James F. Babiak wrote:
Hey Darrick,

My build system was under Ubuntu 8.04 x86_64. I did it on a VPS I have.

I honestly didn't really spend too much time debugging it, as I had
already spent about 3 hours (starting at 12AM) trying to get everything
else working. Mostly ran into just missing libraries and stuff like
that. If I recall correctly, it had something to do with not being able
to find nlist.h or the iksemel libraries, both of which were installed
on the box. I did a little research and found some possible configure.in
work arounds, but as it was late and I finally hit the "z" packages
(home stretch), I just wanted to get it finished so gave up trying. Not
to mention not having a use for zabbix anyway.

Another person had this same issue with an Ubuntu build system.  What 
version of automake and autoconf are present on that system?  Would you 
be able/willing to update to later versions (autoconf 2.6.3 or newer)?

1.10.1 and 2.61 respectively. Sure, that wouldn't be an issue. Neither were installed or ready so I just did an apt-get for them to get the build environment working.

The most confusing issue was failing at getting 'at' to compile. It was
also having similar problems.

No big deal on the nfsd stuff. Samba is working well for me. I was more
curious as to whether I was missing something or if it just wouldn't
work. I like trying to get the most out of hardware, so I'm pushing this
little box to the limit. Outside of Asterisk of course, and serving as a
router w/QoS, firewall, NAT, inter-vlan routing, etc., I also have
openvpn server working, just finished tweaking msmtp to forward
voicemail-to-email through my remote mail server, and now have it
configured as a file server for media.

msmtp should have worked out of the box after setting the relevant 

Yeah, no issue with msmtp itself. I ran into some quirks with getting tls and authentication working properly to my mail server. I got it up earlier today but had the config file in /tmp/etc and rebooted :(.

Earlier I doing some testing to see how much it could handle. Had two
samba transfers going to it, a torrent download through it (with about
100 peer connections), pushed some traffic through the VPN tunnel, and
had four calls into a conference bridge, three remote and a local.
Didn't skip a beat on any of it. Not too bad for a little 1ghz VIA
processor with 256MB of ram.

Yeah, these systems can push quite a bit through them if configured 

Yeah. We actually use these boxes at work, but it's a whole custom install with a lot of the add-on stuff disabled. I wanted to put the full astlinux image on it and see what else I could get the hardware to handle. So far I haven't been disappointed.

Only weird issue I'm still having is with memory usage. For some reason
I haven't been able to figure out my available memory floats down from
about 110 to 4MB randomly through the day. First I thought it might be a
tmpfs issue, but eliminated that possibility. Trimmed Asterisk down a
little and started systematically killing processes to see if I could
find a cause, but nothing yet. Don't have a lot of time right now, and
the diagnostic tools are a bit limited, but will look into it more later.

The zabbix agent will actually report some very detailed information 
back to a monitoring system.  I believe there is a virtual machine image 
available, but even if not, it's an easy install.  I've used it to 
troubleshoot and notify me of potential internet outages at clients as 
well as low free disk space and low memory.  Comes in handy when a 
client calls you up to say that 500MB of files are missing from the 
server.  I can look at the data and confirm that they were not deleted, 
but rather someone moved them to a different directory.

You might consider building an image without the sound files.  That will 
reduce the size of the image.  After booting the system, download and 
copy the core and moh files to /var/lib/asterisk/sounds|moh  We believe 
this will be a default in the future with a script to download and 
install the files post-install.

Never messed with zabbix before, but will have to look into it. That is if I can get it compiled! Sounds pretty cool though.

Yeah, I plan on working on a full custom image this weekend. Like I said earlier, my main purpose of the build environment was to cross-compile samba. It created an image too, but I didn't really go through the initial configuration too carefully since I had a different objective. I just pulled what I wanted out of ../root manually. This weekend I'll put together a more customized image and probably remove the sound files from being built in, and load that up.

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