Is anyone on your system?

What does "last" say?

Is your "ssh" service open to the outside?  Are you running the firewall?

Periodically, if you do a "netstat -t" does it show any external connections?

On 9/18/10 7:17 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Y'know I thought about our conversation just as this was happening. The
> bit I don't get is the getting into my system in the first instance and
> why do I show no calls in the log?
> I've tried making calls locally across the bench and they don't show up.
> Indeed, even inbound calls don;t show up right away. Tonight I've
> witnessed calls somehow purged from the logs themselves. I made 2 calls
> to Broadvoice this evening which showed up in the log almost
> immediately; now the are gone.
> Clearly I need some schooling in security around here :)
> I think the MySIP UA thing is a "poison rouge". I'm thinking that the UA
> field remained populated just because the current user didn't override
> it with a new setting - an undocumented "feature" perhaps?
> I'm going back to dig through the logs some more.
> In the mean time, I had a thought about your hacker of last week and why
> the FW rule wasn't keeping him out. We forgot that the firewall is
> stateful. The rule would only affect new connections. Until the current
> connection had terminated it could continue to do its thing.
> Note to self, change FW rules - reboot firewall!
> Mark
> On 09/18/2010 09:07 PM, wrote:
>> Mark,
>>      So then the hacker was able to hack you by:
>> IP
>> SIP account name
>> SIP password
>> ???
>>      As you know, I was hacked my IP and SIP account, but they were
>> unable to get the password.  Would a static IP from your cell phone provider
>> help with a "guilty unless allowed access" strategy work?
>>     Eric
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Mark Phillips []
>> Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2010 8:55 PM
>> To: AstLinux Users Mailing List
>> Subject: [Astlinux-users] Call Theft again - questions
>> Hi All,
>> Well, for the second time in about a month I've been the victim of call
>> theft to the tune of almost $1000. It would seem that someone is able to
>> acquire an extension on my AstLinux box and use it to call Somalia for a
>> few minutes at a time over and over again until I catch it.
>> Luckily this time my provider was on the lookout and trapped the theft
>> after about $250 of calls were made.
>> To get to the point, Broadvoice's call log show that I made a good many
>> calls to a particular number in Somalia but my log does not. Indeed, my
>> log as viewed via the AstLinux Management web interface shows that the
>> last call made by one of my users was at around 1030am today. The last
>> call to Somalia was at 5:48 tonight.
>> I have a number of questions all related to SIP security but my biggest
>> question is "why don't the calls show up in my log?" My provider can
>> show logs demonstrating that the Somalia calls came from my IP address
>> and I did spot the odd one or 2 towards the end originating from an
>> extension within my number plan.
>> So back to my SIP questions, I use a combination of hard and softphones
>> around the house and a softphone on my new Android phone. I occasionally
>> use  a softphone on my laptop remotely via L2TP VPN.
>> Each entry in my sip.conf file has this in it;
>> deny=
>> permit=
>> permit=
>> but yet still the hacker/thief was able to get in.
>> When I spotted the theft I noted that the thief was using exten 2201 (my
>> android softphone), the UA  as reported by "sip show peer 2201" was
>> "MySIP" (an app I was never able to get working correctly) but yet my
>> Android wasn't running the MySIP softphone at the time.
>> Could it be that the MySIP app was in fact some sort of Android Trojan?
>> How well do if at all do the deny/permit parameters in sip.conf work?
>> How well does the SIP module in AstLinux stand up to brute force attacks
>> (I'm assuming the thief tried that as well)?
>> I'm now so worried about another one of these occurrences that I'm
>> having to disable SIP access on my monoWall which in turn will impact my
>> ability to work.
>> Ideas??
>> Thanks
>> Mark

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