> -----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Bray
> Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 10:49 AM
> To: 'Atom WG'
> Subject: Closure on Extensibility & RDF
> [On behalf of Paul and myself:]
> The opinion has been forcefully expressed that Atom should adopt an 
> extensibility framework based partly or wholly, directly or indirectly, 
> on RDF.  This idea is not unreasonable on the face of it.  Thus, the 
> time has now come to put this into a concrete proposal.  Since we've 
> talking about it for months, this shouldn't take long.
> Would the advocates of this view please, by Monday January 17th, bring 
> the WG a proposal for its consideration.  This could take one of these 
> forms:

Hehe. I finally post a long-winded message on the subject and then within
moments I receive this in my inbox. I'll definitely give Tim's message a
think, along with the replies to it, over the weekend. Have a good weekend


PS - Henry, Danny, Bill/Bill, et al - I know its been a while since I've
been actively involved, but now looks like it would definitely be the right
time, if any. If I can be of any assistance, whether in looking over draft
text and/or playing devil's advocate in any conference calls, email threads,
IRC chats, whatever, please feel free to get in touch. In the meantime, I'm
going to think about a few extensibility experiments I have in mind, and
will let you know if anything interesting comes of them.

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