>         The definition of atom:updated was explicitly and intentionally
> crafted to permit the creation of multiple non-identical entries that shared
> common atom:id and atom:updated values. Clearly, it was the intention of the
> Working Group to permit this, otherwise the definition of atom:updated would
> not be as it is. Thus, it is ridiculous to try to suggest that "feeds with
> the same id and atom:updated" are somehow unanticipated or not-understood.
> If such feeds are so far outside the ken of what the working group intends,
> then atom:updated should never have been defined as it is.
>         Additionally, atom:modified is clearly distinguished from
> atom:updated *by definition!* Atom:modified indicates that last time an
> entry was modified. Atom:updated indicates the last time it was modified in
> a way that the publisher considered "significant." This is a very clear
> distinction.

Bob, that's exactly right. The definitions are very different, and
this is not an issue that arises with the allowance for multiple
atom:ids in one feed document.

Here's the last time this discussion happened:

Robert Sayre

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