Nice. I had pulled out of the Atom discussions to work on another project back when this was being discussed and missed it. Quick question tho.. in your initial post on the concept you state "It is my intention to create a Internet Draft describing the ideas here once I've had reasonable time to receive comments from folk and work out the inevitable bugs"... has that effort progressed at all? A quick I-D formally describing the +feed behavior would be helpful .


"James M Snell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Agreed, but it seems to be a bit of a trick to figure out what that
"something involvig eTags" could be ;-)

None of the existing HTTP Headers that involve etags would seem to
account for the semantics of "return everything that's been modified

Use RFC3229+feed. It does exactly what you want and already has
significant implementation history. See the links below for more info.

  bob wyman

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