James M Snell wrote:
Nice. I had pulled out of the Atom discussions to work on another project back when this was being discussed and missed it. Quick question tho.. in your initial post on the concept you state "It is my intention to create a Internet Draft describing the ideas here
I do intend to write an Internet Draft, but I had been waiting to get some field experience before doing so. At this point, I guess I'm pretty sure it works as described. Many people have implemented RFC3229+feed and so far I've heard of no issues with it other than some folk who object on principle to RFC3229 itself. Other than waiting for field experience, the thing that has held me up is waiting for the working group to get far enough along with Atom so that I could propose that the Internet Draft be taken up here. Now that Atom V1.0 is almost in the can, I guess it is time to get the thing written... BTW: I think the "best" way to implement the application you describe is probably via a combination of Push and Pull. If you're updating as rapidly as you say you are, then it would make sense to push the updates to the client using something like "Atom over XMPP"[1]. You would, however, still generate Atom files and serve them using RFC3229+feed. The Atom files would be used by clients to "catch up" on missed messages when they initially connect or reconnect to the push stream after having been off-line for some time. The hybrid Push+Pull process described above is what we implement at PubSub for every subscription. We currently have this implemented in our PubSub Sidebars for IE and Firefox[2]. Also, the Gush reader from 2entwine implements this hybrid Push+Pull approach when reading our feeds. Push+Pull with Atom and Atom over XMPP gives you the best of both worlds. You get very efficient and low latency publishing of new entries to clients as well as efficient downloading of "catchup" files. What more could you want? :-)

   bob wyman

[1] http://www.xmpp.org/drafts/draft-saintandre-atompub-notify-02.html
[2] http://www.pubsub.com/downloads.php
[3] http://www.2entwine.com/features/pubsub.html

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