On Jul 5, 2005, at 9:27 AM, James M Snell wrote:
Huh?! Pardon my ignorance, could you please provide an explanation for the simple-minded as to how the absence of a source element in a signed entry will lead to signatures being discarded? Also, it would be helpful to sketch in some of the surrounding scenario... -Tim

Bob can clarify exactly what he means but from my perspective it comes down to an aggregation problem. If a signature is generated over an entry that does not contain an author element or a source element, that entry cannot be re-enveloped into an aggregate feed that does not contain a top level author element without breaking the signature

Well, yes. Anyone who understands digsig, even someone such as myself with only a surface knowledge, can see this. You can't change a signed object without breaking the sig, that's the point. If I want to sign an entry and also want to make it available for aggregation then yes, I'd better put in an atom:source. But this is inherent in the basic definition of digsig; not something we need to call out. -Tim

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