* Antone Roundy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-07-13 07:05]:
> Automating feed subscriptions isn't something that should be
> done too  lightly[1].  The default behavior for an aggregator
> should be NOT to do  this, and aggregators should give the user
> the opportunity to control  this feature on a feed-by-feed
> basis.

True, but this doesn’t detract from my argument that we need to
be able to signify a tighter relationship than just “related.” An
aggregator might want to offer different UI for comment feeds, in
contrast to merely “related” feeds. Automatic polling of comment
feeds is just one possible behaviour that differentiates the two.
Another might be that the aggregator asks the user on
subscription whether he/she also wants to poll the comment feed,
but draws no particular attention to “related” feeds, and merely
shows them on a feed details pane or some such.

But the basic issue remains one and the same: the aggregator must
somehow be able to tell that some of the linked feeds are highly
relevant, whereas others are merely of tangential interest.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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