Tuesday, July 12, 2005, 12:29:58 AM, James M Snell wrote:

> The third is a non-RDF adaptation of the Creative Commons RSS 1.0 Module
> that uses the Atom link element and provides a machine readable license
> for entries and feeds. It is described @ 
> http://www.snellspace.com/wp/?p=184.

>    <feed>
>       <link rel="license"
>            href="http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/1.0";
>            xmlns:lic="...">
>          <lic:permits>{URI}</lic:permits>
>          <lic:requires>{URI}</lic:requires>
>       </link>
>    </feed>

I might be on my own here, but I would advise against extending the
link element in this way. I'd say that it is better to use a
Structured Extension Element. The section 6.4 Metadata Elements,
(particularly Simple Extension Elements, though that might not work in
well in this case), are designed so that metadata can be added to
entries without requiring every step in the chain to be upgraded, from
the publishing client, to the XML processor and database of the server
and aggregator.

Because the content of atom:link is undefined, there is a risk that
some implementations, particularly Atom server implementations
accepting entries from a publishing client, might just drop the
contents of the element.


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