Sunday, July 31, 2005, 4:19:40 PM, you wrote:

> I see, thanks for the clarification.

> (I guess atom never intended to allow free -as in speech *and* in
> beer- data mixing anyway, but another namespace would perhaps have
> facilitated the inclusion of atom data in existing rdf tools.)

I would recommend shifting Atom into a separate AtomRDF namespace if
you want to use it with RDF tools. You'll probably need to anyway to
disambiguate things in Atom that are context sensitive, eg link/@type
vs title/@type.

Actually this raises an issue with my Atom/RDF model.  I currently
convert Simple Extension Elements to RDF properties, but I probably
need to create another triple to preserve the namespace URI of the
property - eg:

_:entry                        <http://example.comlattitude>         "53"
<http://example.comlattitude>  ns:namespaceURI                        

otherwise, it won't be possible to round-trip properties.


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