The approach I took in -04 was to say that the pseudo-ordering introduced by the mechanism was ONLY meaningful for the purposes of reconstituting the feed; it's still up to the feed itself to determine what the ordering of entries means (or doesn't). That avoids a lot of problems, although it does require some careful wording.

Also -- I'd think that the "last" link is already covered by "self," no? If not, there's some pretty serious confusion about what 'self' means.

On 13/10/2005, at 8:01 PM, Antone Roundy wrote:

On Oct 13, 2005, at 7:58 PM, Eric Scheid wrote:

On 14/10/05 9:18 AM, "James M Snell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Excellent.  If this works out, there is an opportunity to merge the
paging behavior of Feed History, OpenSearch and APP collections into a
single set of paging link relations (next/previous/first/last).

'first' or 'start'?

Do we need to define what 'first' means though? I recall a dissenting opinion on the wiki that the 'first' entry could be at either end of the
list, which could surprise some.

Yeah, that's a good question. Maybe calling them "top" and "bottom" would work better. Considering that the convention is to put the newest entry at the top of a feed document, "top" might be more intuitively understandable as being the new end. You might also rename "next" and "previous" (or is it "previous" and "next"?) to "down" and "up". There's SOME chance of that getting confused with hierarchical levels, but I could live with that.

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

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