"Managing Feed State" was a placeholder I put in the original Atom spec draft <http://www.mnot.net/drafts/draft-nottingham-atom- format-00.html#rfc.section.4> for just this kind of discussion. The WG couldn't come to a consensus on a mechanism (my proposal was <http://www.intertwingly.net/wiki/pie/PaceFeedState>), so we removed that section (earlier this year, IIRC).

On 09/10/2005, at 1:39 AM, James Holderness wrote:

Following up on the idea of using atom:link instead of fh:prev, I recently came across an old article by Mark Pilgrim on XML.com (http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2004/06/16/dive.html) in which he discusses the atom:link element and the various rel attributes it supports. He specifically brings up the issue of feed history and using next and prev to link archives together.

It sounded to me as if he was talking about an existing feature in the spec - it wasn't like he was proposing it as a new idea. So was this something that used to be part of an old version of the spec that was later removed? Or was this an early proposal that was never accepted into the spec?

Also of interest: there's a link from that article to his archives on diveintomark.org which actually include next and prev links in the feed. I'm almost inclined to add support for that just so I can access those old posts. There used to be some excellent articles on his site.

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Mark Nottingham     http://www.mnot.net/

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