On Oct 14, 2005, at 11:13 AM, Mark Nottingham wrote:
On 14/10/2005, at 9:22 AM, Lindsley Brett-ABL001 wrote:
I have a suggestion that may work. The issue of defining what is "prev" and "next" with respect to a time ordered sequence seems to be a problem. How about defining the link relationships in terms of time - such as "newer" and "older" or something like that. That way, the collection returned should be either "newer" (more recent updated time) or "older" (later updated time) with respect to the current collection doc.

A feed isn't necessarily a time-ordered sequence. Even a feed reconstructed using fh:prev (or a similar mechanism) could have its constituent parts generated on the fly, e.g., in response to a search query.

The OpenSearch case mentioned by Thomas is what convinced me that terms related to temporal ordering aren't appropriate (what a pity, since "newer" and "older" are the perfect terms for time ordered sequences of feed documents!)

"Previous" and "next" suffer from the fact that they could easily be interpreted differently in different use cases. For example, for OpenSearch results "pages", clearly "prev" points to the search results that come up "on top" and "next" to the lower results. But in a conventional syndication feed, "next" could easily be taken to mean either "the next batch of entries as you track back towards the beginning of time from where you started (which is usually going to be the growing end of the feed)", or "a batch of entries containing the entries that were published next after the ones in this batch." I'd have to look at the document to remind myself of which "next" means, because either makes just as much sense to me.

Which brings me back to "top", "bottom", "up" and "down". In the OpenSearch case, it's clear which end the "top" results are going to be found. In the syndication feed case, the convention is to put the most recent entries at the "top". If you think of a feed as a stack, new entries are stacked on "top". The fact that these terms are less generic and flexible than "previous" and "next" is both an advantage and a disadvantage. I think the question is whether it's an advantage in a significant majority of cases or not. What orderings would those terms not work well for?


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