Friday, March 31, 2006, 11:02:18 AM, Sean Lyndersay wrote:

> I haven't looked in detail at how IE does on the xml:base
> comformance tests, since the current beta has no support for
> xml:base. In light of that fact, I'm glad we failed outright instead
> of halfway; halfway would have been weird :).

> We're actually implementing xml:base support right now (and in the
> process, fixing the relative URL issue that Sam Ruby pointed out in
> our normalization format), so we'll be broken on those conformance
> tests for while. The fix won't make it out in the next public
> release, but it should make the one after that.

> I'll let you know how we do on those tests when the code is done.

Great. It would be good if you could preserve the "effective" base-URI
of feeds and entries, so that applications using Atom extensions that
contain relative URIRefs can resolve them into URIs. I suppose that it
could be done by pinning an absolute xml:base onto the channel and
item elements.


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