
On 3/31/06, M. David Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Oh, I agree that if this can be done in a consistent manner, then using the xml:base attribute on each //entry/content element would be absolutely WONDERFUL.  The trick is to figure out how to ensure a consistent level of avaialability and accuracy of the value of each instance of content/@xml:base.

In thinking this trough a bit, as long as the original URI is intact, and the URI itself contains the correct URI for each resource that is referenced, then the ability exists via various mechanism in XSLT  2.0 to build a simple transformation file that could parse any document, well formed or not, and exctract all of the original URI's, returning them in a simple RDF reference index, to then be used to determine what base URI should be used, which resources are external, and build out the result in a way that keeps the 404's to an absolute minimum.

Actually, what we really need is a nice SHA1 "Decentralized HASH BASH" weekend session to index all known resources, integrating the result string into every known file format specification and ensuring that a resource always knows how to find his way back to where he/she/it came from.

How bout' you guys build that system, and in the mean time I'll write some quick and dirty transformations files to tide us over til' you're done, K?  I mean, what else are you gonna do after APP releases... You'll have LOADS of extra time on your hand. ;)

K, Ready, set, go! 

On 3/31/06, David Powell < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Friday, March 31, 2006, 4:34:48 AM, you wrote:

> The escaped HTML content contained within the content element that
> David was originally concerned with is more than likely a copy of
> all or part of the elements and content contained inside the body
> tag of the external document referenced by an associated link
> element, and therefore no guarentee that the xml:base of the atom
> feed is going to be anywhere even close to accurate.

That might be exactly the case where the xml:base is useful: the
content came from different places, had relative URI-refs, so the
xml:base was set on each entry to the source URIs of each document so
that the relative links work[*] in both in cases.

[*] in theory.



M. David Peterson


M. David Peterson

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