On 2 Nov 2006, at 08:59, Thomas Broyer wrote:
[redirecting to atom-syntax]

This is also a protocol issue, because we are asking what to do with the information in the atom feed. [1]

2006/11/1, Houghton,Andrew:

  concept scheme URI: http://my.scheme.net/my-vocabulary/
  concept URI:        http://my.concept.net/my-vocabulary/13745

Thomas, I don't think that this is a natural reading of "term" in the atom syntax list.

The "term" attribute is a string that identifies the category to which the entry or feed belongs. Category elements MUST have a "term" attribute.

nowhere is there mentioned a IRI there, whereas just below

The "scheme" attribute is an IRI that identifies a categorization scheme. Category elements MAY have a "scheme" attribute.
]] [2]

The scheme attribute is defined in terms of an  IRI .

To give a bit more context to what Andrew was saying, he was arguing that for a mapping between the SKOS [3] vocabulary and the atom vocabulary. SKOS is indeed very interesting. It allows one to say something like

<http://my.concept.net/my-vocabulary/13745> a skos:Concept;
                 skos:inScheme <http://my.scheme.net/my-vocabulary/>;
                 skos:prefLabel "cats" .

and much more.

The question remains as to how this can be well mapped to atom.

If I take one of Tim Bray's examples

<category scheme='http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/What/'
          term='Places' />

I can translate this to the AtomOwl ontology [4]

[] a :Category;
   :scheme  <http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/What/>;
   :term "Places" .

Practically, this seems to mean that one can get all the nice info about Places at the url


And this seems to be becoming quite a common way people are setting things up, and also it has some continuity with what the RSS2 folks were doing.

<category> is an optional sub-element of <item>.

It has one optional attribute, domain, a string that identifies a categorization taxonomy.

The value of the element is a forward-slash-separated string that identifies a hierarchic location in the indicated taxonomy. Processors may establish conventions for the interpretation of categories. Two examples are provided below:
]] [5]

It follows that what we have is something that can be expressed in RDF by saying that the :scheme and the :term relation form a CIFP [8], ie: together they uniquely identify one thing, and furthermore that the identity of the thing is given by the concatenation of those two strings.

This seems therefore to capture behavior that is not present in skos, but apart from that the two should be quite complimentary. Let us see how we can make them more so.

What we need perhaps is some way to make clear what the url of the category is.
We could do this as follows:

   1. add a new attribute to identify the category (lets call it catid)
2. Assume that if a catid is not present, and we have scheme and a term attribute, that the catid is formed by the concatenation of the scheme+term

we could then write out

<http://my.concept.net/my-vocabulary/13745> a skos:Concept;
                 skos:inScheme <http://my.scheme.net/my-vocabulary/>;
                 skos:prefLabel "cats" .

like this

<category catid="http://my.concept.net/my-vocabulary/13745";
          term='cats' />

Now because the "term" is mandatory in atom (and not the scheme), I suggest that one use the skos:prefLabel for it. I know there is a label too, but well, it certainly makes it easier to search for similar categories using the SPARQL type queries I put forward in [1].


Thomas Broyer

[1] for the atom-syntax people who may not have been following this thread then, see http://blogs.sun.com/bblfish/entry/ folksonomies_ontologies_atom_and_the
[2] http://www.atompub.org/rfc4287.html#element.category
[3] http://www.w3.org/TR/swbp-skos-core-guide/
(though I would suggest rewriting the rules using N3, rather than the Jena language)
[4] https://sommer.dev.java.net/atom/
[5] http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/ rss#ltcategorygtSubelementOfLtitemgt
[6] http://esw.w3.org/topic/CIFP

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