A server that instead provides light-weight query interfaces as you describe, or guides the client into the content, does not work with a client that doesn't do HTML (a CalDAV, WebDAV or possibly Atom authoring client); correct?

My understanding (for what it is worth) is that REST *requires* hypermedia.  Your choice of hypermedia then constrains your problem domain.  Once you select a domain (HTML, Atom, whatever), then to be RESTful it is important give clients within that domain a way to discover the appropriate syntax using hypermedia.

It sounds like you're asking about the protocol independent of how it is presented on the Web.  In that case, I think it is fine to say that, e.g., SEARCH *can* be used RESTfully, but I don't think it is *necessarily* RESTful unless we know the rest of the application.

My $.02.


On Nov 2, 2006, at 12:06 PM, Lisa Dusseault wrote:

On Oct 26, 2006, at 1:02 PM, Jan Algermissen wrote:

If you aim to provide a REST interface, do not mimick a query interface (at least not a complex one). Think of your 'asset space' in terms of pre-defined, useful collections that you expose as resources (feeds) and provide light weight query interfaces to them that fit with GET requests.
Think in terms of browsing and drilling-down; REST interfaces guide the client into the content instead of assuming the knowledge to construct
a query does reside in the client.

This is an interesting assertion about REST.  I don't yet agree with it as stated though I might after further discussion and elaboration.  To provide a possible counter-example, I always found the HTTP SEARCH proposal <http://www.greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/draft-reschke-webdav-search-latest.html> to be RESTful because
- The results of a search are returned as a set of resource identifiers
- It doesn't necessarily break for dynamic resources as long as the server can handle that
- It doesn't break the layering of representations, or use of connectors, or caching of resources
- It's general -- can be used for WebDAV resources but also for any HTTP server, CalDAV resources or probably (with some thought) Atom resources

A server that instead provides light-weight query interfaces as you describe, or guides the client into the content, does not work with a client that doesn't do HTML (a CalDAV, WebDAV or possibly Atom authoring client); correct?


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