2006/11/24, Henri Sivonen:
On Nov 24, 2006, at 10:28, Thomas Broyer wrote:

> My main problem with autodiscovery is this use case: the following
> links on an "entry page" in a blog-like scenario, where comments on
> the entry are shown at the bottom of the page:
> <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml"
>    title="A standalone Atom Entry alternate representation, might
> even be updatable using HTTP PUT" />
> 1. the first one should not be seen as a "feed" link;

That ship sailed long ago. For backwards compatibility, UAs will
treat links like the one quoted above as feed autodiscovery links--
not as standalone APP editing links. It is too late to apply elegance

…except if you update application/atom+xml to add a type=entry
parameter... in which case the existing code will probably won't
"find" the link...

In the absence of 'type' parameter, you have no mean to know whether
the Atom DOcument is a feed or entry, so you treat it as a "possible
feed", just in case. And you're backwards compatible.

Thomas Broyer

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