On 11/28/06, Rogers Cadenhead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have no idea how to gauge the
likelihood they'll achieve it. Or whether they'll
respect current autodiscovery functionality in MSIE 7
and Firefox 2.0.

My experience is that the IETF is essentially unresponsive to backward
compatibility concerns, to the extent that they will debate the
meaning of the term "MUST". It's like existential poetry.

In my experience, the WHAT-WG doesn't make any changes that break
compatibility unless users are already having problems caused by
implementation divergence. To make sure this is true, they research
and make decisions based on metrics, rather than ill-defined consensus
handwaving and individually-authored drafts with no support from
client implementors. I've even seen it claimed that "servers are
clients too", in the IETF.

> Why not provide feedback there?

I will if that's where autodiscovery goes.

It is already there.

Seems like a good idea to tell Atom publishers how to
support autodiscovered feeds.

They already know how, in general. The WHAT-WG is the place to work
out edge cases in HTML semantics.

Sylvain Hellegouarch wrote:

there will be little harm done

Actually, the proposal seems so poorly researched and poorly
coordinated with WHAT-WG that I don't see how you can make that claim.
When Pilgrim wrote the draft, there weren't as many existing
implementations, so his approach made more sense at the time.


Robert Sayre

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