On 1/14/07, David Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> You can't just say
that the license extension inherits and
expect every implementation out there to implement that.
 You'd need an Atom 2.0 to do that: either support for
must-understand (which was rejected from Atom 1.0),
or a special feed document extension container.

An implementation should only do things based on the license extension if it
understands what the license extension means. Since the draft now has
carefully written words to ensure that license extensions only grant
additional rights and do not restrict default rights, the worst case
situation is that an implementation that doesn't understand the license
extension inheritance will simply treat entries as though they only had
normal, copyright-defined rights associated with them. i.e. You would get
fair use, implied right to syndicate, right to read, right to make
facilitative copies, etc. but you wouldn't realize that you also get
whatever extra rights were granted by the license. This is, I think a
reasonable fall-back. Of course, implementations that do understand that
feed-level licenses are inherited will be able to manage rights just a bit
better. This is a good thing.

A failure to properly implement license inheritance tends to limit what the
*reader* believes they can do with entries, but it doesn't do any "harm" to
the owner of the intellectual property in the entries since no one can
believe that they have rights not granted. The worst that can happen is that
readers don't know all the rights they have. This is acceptable, in my

bob wyman

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