On 1/14/07, David Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> I agree that it is
important to distinguish between feeds
and feed documents, and this is why I think that feed
level inheritance of licenses should be dropped as it is
incompatible with Atom.
Inheritance can't be "incompatible" with Atom since Atom defines it.
I do agree with you, however, if you argue that Atom would have been cleaner
without inheritance. Without inheritance, feed level meta-data would only
apply to the "collection" which contains entries and not to the entries
themselves. Without inheritance, we wouldn't need atom:source -- we would
have only needed atom:provenance (a simple link to an entry's origin feed
similar to the source element in RSS. Note: Synthetic feed producers still
would have wanted atom:source as a convenient way to reduce the need to
repeatedly fetch feed documents to get atom:title values.) However, folk
really wanted to keep inheritance of the feed metadata and so we ended up
having to define something more complex.

bob wyman

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