The 'bijou' 20100125 distribution of MythTV 0.22 is now available in

bijou 0.22 does not have anything so crucial as 0.21's Avenard VDPAU
backport. That said, it does contain several enhancements and fixes
that may be of interest, including:

* Adjustments to ThreadedFileWriter's buffers. Significantly improves
  recordings' integrity when destination disks are stressed, at the
  cost of increased RAM usage. (That said, on my frontend/backend I've
  recorded four HD streams at once without swapping.) My work.
* Improved audio upmixer (SVN patch #6975).
* Fix VDPAU video not resuming after xscreensaver (#7641).
* Fix for judder seen in various European 720p HD channels (#7481).
* Fix for MythVideo's bookmark dialog box killing keyboard input by
  changing focus window (#7741).
* Fix for Jumppoints not working in MythVideo or when OSD is present
  (#7322, #7939).
* Automatically scale number of user jobs based on system load
* Permit bringing up both Watch Recordings menus with just MENU, and
  add Watched toggle to Playlist options (my variant on #6814).
* Chapter support in MKV videos (#7892, r23231).
* Improved detection of audio tracks when transcoding (my variant on
* Much faster seeking in videos, especially in MythVideo without
  seektables (#7521, #7935).
* BT.709 and studio-level colors for VDPAU playback (#7307). For the
  time being please follow the instructions in the patch notes, and
  not the mythtv-users mailing list, to activate.
* Various ATSC closed-caption fixes (#7738, #7739, #7766, #7775,
* Miscellaneous, mostly video-related fixes (#7252, #7397, #7409,
  #7454, #7759).

Yeechang Lee <> | San Francisco CA US

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