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Brian Long <briandl...@gmail.com> says:
> I was wondering if you could give an overview of the above bugs so I
> don't have to look up each bug individually.

The brief descriptions I gave should be sufficient for most purposes;
if a user wants more details on, say, the auto user-job scaling
feature, he should indeed consult the referenced patch note and/or ask
here. The miscellaneous bugs I listed at the end are just that,

> Are most of these bugs destined to be fixed by 0.23 but not
> backported to 0.22?  Have some of them been rejected by the MythTV
> developers but you maintain them for your personal use?


> I have not yet upgraded my 0.21-bijou system to 0.22, so I'm trying to
> decide if I stick with 0.22-fixes or 0.22-bijou.

This is completely up to you. As always, I have made no database-level
changes so users can move between -fixes and -bijou as they see fit. I
will say, however, that several of the patches fix issues that have
spawned multiple lengthy threads in mythtv-users since 0.22's release
in October.

Yeechang Lee <y...@pobox.com> | San Francisco CA US

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