Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

@locutus, single player  doesn't mean single person in command, after all in the second world war there was no way one person could operate a sub on their own either :d.

Regarding a single player lw modthe game would need much more modification than just the sounds, for instance even in navigation,  in space ships could literally move in any of 360 degrees either side to side or up and down, where as in lw your vertical movement was rather limited. This makes sense in the sea, but wouldn't in space.

@Tom, regarding tactics I disagree, there is a lot you could do to an stfc style game to increase the tactics.

For a start, at the moment both weapons, phasers and torpedos are pretty much equal, yet if you altered range and damage you could alter tactics. Perhaps for instance phasers had a longer ranger, and did less damage, but could be used to incapacitate a ship's systems by targiting  engines or weapons.

At the moment you al so have the ability to attack ships as soon as they're in sensor range, ---- which obviously from the series isn't the case, and if you could determine ship positions before! firing it could allow for far more tactical play, indeed the only ships who really should! be able to hit first are the romulans or the defiant with their cloaking devices.

Also, at the moment space is pretty empty, no stars, no planets, no weerd anomalies. Having actual star systems or gas clouds with different pennitration to sensors would make things a lot more interesting, as would adding mechanics  like asteroid belts where you had a greater chance of missing  your targit, indeed, some miss or evasion mechanics would be nice generally.

On the map front, it'd also be interesting to actually see different map objects and sectors, different star systems put together with different effects rather like toc has but for space.

Finally, obviously starfleet aren't r eally a shoot first, ask questions later sort of bunch, so the ability to  ally with one other faction could be nice.

Say for instance when you start the game, you have no allies, but when you encounter another ship you could put out a hale requesting alliance with a chance of being attacked. If they agreed, yo9u could then fly to one of their home planets for peace talks and after then they'd be your ally, ---- at least for a while.

This could  all be done with basic percentage rolls, adding in ratial modifyers,  but would add a lot to the game and make it feel much more like actual startrek,  ---- eg, you could actually fly! to romulus for peace talks, be attacked by the klingons and then have the romulans turn on you both, but have the klingons propose an alliance instead.

After all the smugglers games are pretty conlcusive proof that it only takes a couple of internal factors in a program based on what is happening to setup a faction system, and such systems have been great.

Just some ideas and points.


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