Re: Monthly chat December 2015

@Cae, well if your niece/nephew thought the world outside was full of hard rock guitar playing, I can't really blame him/her for being reluctant to obey an eviction notice big_smile.
Congrats on the coding.

@Soul keeper, great job on the fifty K, that's a lot of words. It's something I'd fancy myself, accept that personally I tend to write in short bursts, right now I'm looking at preparing shorter peaces for publication.

@Cooltirk, I actually could guess where Byron was going at the start of season 4. I think the last episode I heard was a couple through season 4, though i really need to hear the hole thing again to check the plot and what was happening. IN a way however, I'm actually pleased if it has a definite ending, sinse i hate these series that just sort of bimble on and on until they pretty much can be forgotten.
I though t Byron slightly lost the plot at the end of season 3, sinse while Season 3 started really strongly after the climax to season 2, I really wasn't sure where it was going, so I'm glad to here it wrapped up.
How many episodes in season five? I probably need to grab the last couple and then do a buge byronathon.

Btw, as Byron has a crossover with leviathan chronicles, I wonder where that is right now? I did see an announcement from earlier this year that said the rest of season 2 was on the way, but there's been nothing sinse. I'd hate to see it peter out without an ending, sinse it's one of the most unique things I've seen done in audio with it's combination of acting, narration and sfx and a story that hovers genres between scifi, horror, spy fiction, adventure story and goodness knows what.

I particularly love the descriptions of real world locations, I was intreagued when they had the season 2 episode featuring the millenium br idge in newcastle sinse both the descriptions of the bridge and of the city were very poetic and quite accurate (remember I live only 15 minutes on the train from Newcastle and know the bridge rather well).

As for me, I needed to go to hospital this morning for a checkup which wasn't fun, though they confirmed my eye pressure was okay, (as I thought).
On the plus side, I did pickup some good stuff for my trip to the states, including a 2 tb passport drive (sinse I'm taking my laptop). That will be great sinse it means I can take literally my entire audio, music and games collection with me, while still leaving my backup drive with everything, and also only use one plug socket (I also picked up a Uk to Us power adapter).

Insurance is fixed, so it seems fine, indeed I@m trying to decide what sort of audiobooks and/or games I'm going to reserve for about 12 hours of planes (eight to get to the states, then two hours connecting flights with a couple of hours waiting).

I'm considering trying Tinstar, which I know is one of the longer Cog games, though I might also reserve an audio or book specially, or perhaps try blind legend or some of the blindfold games or any of the other many thins I need to review for the db, (I'm going to install Turf wars as it's just not the sort of mmorpg that interests me, though I have written a db description and just need to update a bit).

My review for William Horwood's skallagrigg is up, which is good, I'm now writing one for the cat who walks through walls which is one of the most conflicting books I've ever read, given that it was both very witty and entirely appauling in places, often the same places.

Right now I'm reading Railsea by China Mievil, which is a really unique idea, a world where the entire ground is covered by old rusty train tracks and trains go off exploring and hunting giant moles like wailing ships, (the captain is even look ing for a white mole).

Definitely unique, especially the way the language has a sort of rythm to it, though perhaps because it's a little lighter in tone than Perdido street station, i'm not finding it quite as fantastically amazing as that book was, only very good.

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