Re: Future coltures of people?

Maybe, but the USA and the UK can be the greatest of allies, and still get wiped off the face of the planet as collateral damage when a couple of crazies in the middle east decide to duke it out with nuclear weapons or some other form of mass destruction.

And then there's the planet itself, even if we avoid killing ourselves off. We are affecting its climate and rapidly depleting its resources while it is still our only viable home.

We talk a lot about doing something about climate change and improving conservation of the planets resources in the hopes of creating a sustainable civilization, but we don't really do anything towards actually achieving it.

As lazy as the human race is, we'll finally decide to really do something about climate change or resource depletion when we realize it's too late and all we can do is maybe buy ourselves a little more time. But that won't do any good, because once mankind precieves the end of civilization as he knows it, we'll squander what remaining resources there are by fighting over them.

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