Re: Future coltures of people?

Well in terms of neuclear capability, it's unlikely even if a smaller nation did! kick off, we'd have as bad a time as predicted in the cold war, sinse remember the cold war appocalyptic predictions were always based on hitting strategic targets to both cause maximum loss of life and stop the enemy nation's retaliations asap, ie, all the missiles would be shot off in short order to prevent the other side shooting all their missiles, ---- hay nobody said it was logical! big_smile.

That sort of coordination wouldn't happen from one of the fanatic fringe groups, neither would they really have the facilities for the manufacture of missile delivery systems, (remember all that jolly fun with those mythical weapons of mass distruction).

What would be more worrying and probable would be biological, chemical, or major explosive attacks by terrorists. These woul d certainly be bad, but probably not enough to end civilization as we know it in one go, though fear of such might create something pretty Orwellian.

As to the resource arguement, one thing I will say for the basic capitalist model is that sinse it's always based on prophet, there will always be a point where alternative means of getting resources or more efficient means of producing them will outway the cost of setting up such alternatives.

Eg, when the price of Oil starts to get so high that it's cheaper for Shell, texico etc to convert to alternative fuel than to go on with what they're doing, which is always the arguement made against conservation, indeed I do think it is likely that patants for producing alternative are already held by such companies, that's one bit of conspiracy theory I see as quite likely sinse coorporations don't like giving up their strangle hold too easily.
Of course that doesn't necessarily mean said cost s of changing over from unrenewable to renewable energy won't be pushed onto the consumer in the future, still more so given that another major way of maximizing prophet is minimizing the amount of people you actually employ and automation is improving all the time.
That I actually see as one of the major worries for humanity, the fact that instead of automation and technological production freeing people to explore their individuality, people instead have more often than not been just made another part of said automation process.

One very worrying comment I heard on a Doctor who story set in ancient Persia which dealt with slavery, was that the writer came up with the idea after a friend of his worked at Mcdonalds and was told during basic training to literally deal with customers as though he was a machine, just push out what was ordered and collect the money saying the standard phrases with no humanity so customers had the experience of automation even though the re was a real person serving them.

What is doubly frightening of course, (or it is to me), is that there is no one in charge of these trends or indeed of the world generally. Coorporations just grab after prophet and continue for their own acquisition because that is how coorporations act and circumvent or bribe the governments when needed becausee prophet justifies all.

Similarly,  the rich justify their privilige because it's "the way things are" and elected ministers, however good their intentions just play the game behind closed doors because it's "what's gone before"

Again, it's the collective, all the assumptions and expectations and tiny little conceits and slights and group identities that causes a large part of the world's suffering and might be what dooms humanity in the end.

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