Re: Scrolling Battles Pro

here comes the me. I am going to be mature, I am going to talk, and I am not going to be an insulting jerkface. I am fixing that up.
Because of the public location of this, and other reasons such as my fixation, I am not going to yell at ivan. I half agree with him, half don't. Others do too. Here's the thing, from someone who suffers stress like mason does.
I am a depressed, occasionally suicidal, jerk, and I will not deny it in any way. But one thing to never do to someone who's having a bad day, is make it worse. How would you feel if, say, your mother died, and while you were in pain from that, somebody came and killed your father, assuming you had both. THat would be twice the pain. ANd yeling at someone after they're in pain, while not as harsh, is definitely not the way to make it better. The post from rob was a great one to demonstrate what you can do instead. ANd others here, that weren't encouragement, were put in such a way that they w ere simply a statement and giving you a choice, instead of putting you under pressure to do something and then saying do it or you'll die, kind of thing. I did step out of the development of my own games because of what has happened to me with streets of chaos, and now I stick to my own personal tools and occasionally an include or a funny little program, usually open source, suh as toney. I may reenter some day, but the point of that section is, mason, if development of things is stressful for you, step away from it. If you're going to fix as many bugs as you can and rerelease it, here's some suggestions. If you keep online, allow it to be free so anyone can play, instead of limiting it to those people who still have keys. You can call it a sort of "final" version, for now, and leave it on a good note instead of teatering on the brink of hell with a bunch of angry customers on your back. I never agreed with it being payed myself, but for the price, and what you could do, I was okay with it. Just like I was okay with the bk3 translation dictionary, it made the game something truly worth buying, and I bought it. I would have bought sbp too had you not said "no". But I know why you said no, because I leaked a crucial piece to your registration system to someone you hated. I never used it myself, they did and you blamed it on me, and when I told you the truth, you said this.
afgredlyjkfowirp or something of the sort. But that is beside the point, I need to stop getting off topic here. SBP is a good game, beside the friggin lag it produces. The AI could be better, but it could also be much worse. THe playing experience is of the same quality as the previous sb's, plus an online mode! I honestly think if you ever, ever, think you are going to think otherwise about a project you're gonna charge for, don't charge for it, so you're not messing up with people's money. Refunds was a brilliant idea. The gam e, as I see, was supposed to squash ultrapower into the dust. I do also wonder why it had such a short lifespan, but I know exactly why you were stressed. Because of your enemy hacking the game. NO further disclosure of how he hacked will be provided, as him and I don't communicate and I don't have anymore to give, as well as the fact that we don't need another flame war. Does anybody remember streets of chaos and what happened to it? I was betrayed by my fellow developer, who handed over the game to tupy, someone I absolutely hated. And I did the same thing, shame on me. I have felt stress. I know what is' like. And one thing people should never do is overlook emotions. One thing I've noticed about the majority of this blind community, is that they down those of us with emotions and call us stupid, or give us bad reputations because we aren't oblivious to emotions like them. AN example of an emotion hater would be blinky. But there are also good people , who understand, even if not completely, such as rob and many others. Emotions, are a bitch. NO way around it. And when people turn your hard work into a drama loaded piece of shit, or a hack target, it's not fun for you, and it's not fun for the players. My definition of "game" is as follows.
A game is a form of entertainment, and sometimes used as a way to kill time. It is antibordum medicine.
A game should not be a drama pit, a stress source, or anything that doesn't result in entertainment by all. Notice the term "happiness" was not used, because games aren't always happy. There's those times you get really mad at a game because you died, or lost, etc. But you should not get mad at a game because of the person developing, nor should you try to ruin the life of the developer via exploits and other things. A game is meant to be fun. And stress, drama, hacking, etc, is not fun. [[wow]], why did I type all that! Way the fuck of f topic! I don't even remember the topic of my post, heh heh. Anyways, if somebody could understand that, I really can't, please translate it so everybody else can. What I think I'm trying to say, among other things, is keep it going. Make online free if you keep it, because money is a completely different story. Don't drop the game! Games are meant to be fun, let's all, and I mean all, keep it that way. I also wish of you, mason, to check your skype. I wish to communicate with you. If you need to, shoot me an email via the forum. I want to talk to you again, you are a really cool guy, fun to talk to, etc. Anyways, I'm going to go. See you all later, and blinky, some advice. Let's not have a childish fight. Most recommended is for you not to reply to this post, unless you have a point you agree with me on. Don't go arguing me, because I will simply say, "xxx", and never take it up. If you wish to validly challenge one of my points, y ou may. I can't stop any of you from doing that. My advice is to just be mature about it. See ya on the flipside.

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