Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Guide is complete up to Avilette City, so hopefully folks who are having issues with those tunnels shouldn't have it quite so bad as long as they can follow written directions.

Funny story: I actually beat Octoross with a team of level 20s (Elvond, Hydrake, Lamgurk, Dussocket, Domestress and Tarba). Dussocket carried most of the fight himself, though Elvond's Tri-beam did for Octoross's Recobrah and Vibrogen (there was a lucky miss in there somewhere too, I admit). But when you have to go back and fight him again while coming out into Hansha Village, I actually had to catch a wild Monja and Leonra to have a chance. My dream team, in Octoross's possession, was weakened, it's true, but they still have all their moves and abilities and stuff, and their stats, so they were wrecking me pretty hard. I did manage to pull through though.

Lamgurk, at level 24, still doesn't have a single earth type move that does damage. He just learned Trample, an d that's great, but can't we have Quake or something instead of, y'know, Gravel Guard or something? I guess this is my fault for not looking over my level 49 Sheepit's movelist or for assuming Lamgurk, being a traded mon, just had to learn better moves. If I hit the Sky Plains area and haven't gotten a ground move on him yet that's worth having, I swear I'm ditching him for Terruffalo. This is getting ridiculous.
I'm happy enough with everyone else on the team so far though. After reaching the city, my team's in the low to mid-20s across the board. I'm going to destroy poor Noel.

Also, thanks for the suggestion, guys. I'll put in a signature and stick my dropbox link in there.

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