Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Gaaaaar me hearties!
Pirates be nearly as cool as Dragonsin my not so humble opinion, gaaaar!

An awesome game indeed and rather fun like blazing, I've always fancied a game with ships and sailing since I don't think we have one thus far.

Btw, random and silly suggestion.
Ever thought of combining this and blazing into one game?

To explain, how about the idea that the shores of the 7 lands are populated, but their interiors are still virgin teretory. At some squares while sailing your ship around the land, you get the option for one of your crew to travel into the interior, though obviously that would lose you a crew member and some gold. You then create a character on blazing and play along. At the blazing settlements is the option to send gold or a letter back to your ship. If you pay to send a letter, your ship's morale increases, the further along your character gets, the bigger the morale boosts. If you establish a settlement, yo u get the option for some of the people of the settlement to take a wagon to the coast and crew your ship.
There are other interactions that might occur such as sending resources back from your fronteer towns to the coast, or even sending several people back to crew a new merchant ship if yours gets destroyed, but you see where I'm going with this, effectively you'd be playing both the pioneers setting out into the interior of a new land, and the cunning merchants making a prophet from the recently established settlements.
It could be a pretty fantastic combination.

however before we get into speculation land, I have a couple of skirvy bugs to report.

First, yes, I used the loyalty option in a shop, however I haven't yet seen a way to sell resources, indeed the loytalty option required fourty gold not resources from me, so I hope there is a selling option somewhere.

Second, I have one of those skirvy bugs.
I've got to sp ace 91 of menton, and have got stuck, there are no buttons to progress, no controls, just the text.
I've tried maximizing the page and using supernova's ability to find all buttons, and no luck, indeed I'm completely and entirely stuck with no way of going on.

Here is the text of the page:

You rolled a 6 and move forward.
Current location: space number 91 of Menton. Smeltery.
With a coal fed fire, metalurgists form iron bars from molten ore.
Your ship's health is 34 of 40
Your crew's morale is 22 of 30, which is good.
You have 0 gold coins.
8 lumber
52 food (1 consumed per move, 3 consumed on ocean)
10 cloth
10 coal
Your ship has 2 crewmen aboard.
Jacoby (+5 max morale)
Solomon (+5 max morale)
The next 6 spaces that lie ahead of you are Burnt homes, Cove, High winds, Textile mill, Forest, and

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