Re: New IPhone september 16 2016

@Aaron77, glad you're enjoying the new phone. About USB C, Apple decided to not ditch the lightning probably for the soul reason that they were already taking out one standard connector and didn't want to take out another one and change it to something else, making the lightning cables that everyone has useless. That would be my best guess.. that battery does sound very good, but for that much money, I'd need something much more impressive than a big battery to convince me to buy it. And that battery which is big now might not be so big in a year or two. lol My iphone 6 battery still holds its charge amazingly, and with the battery case I have I've been able to use it as much as two days before needing ot find a wall socket.

@Dragomier, at least on my part, you are correct one of the reasons I want to switch. The removal of the headphone jack is a decision I don't support, and that means when my iphone 6 dies I'm going to either have to get anot her one, or do the same when I resign my contract... and why do that if I can get a phone that is possibly more waterproof and still retains the headphone jack? That aside, I am also tired of being locked into having to use IOS and Itunes the way Apple tells me to. I'm sick of adding music to my library then syncing the phone through itunes, where I could just copy and paste on Android devices. I'm sick of deleting albums off my phone, then forgetting that they're still in my library and having to delete them there as well. That, and from a tweeking standpoint, android is much more open to that than IOS is before jailbreaking. Are there cons? Sure. Do I get accessible right out of the box? Mostly... but I'm willing to play with it more, because from the experiences I've had with the latest devices, I'm seeing more and more good reason to switch.

@Afrim, a lot of that sounds already like what I have to do on windows... guaranteed accessibility is a bonus, not a defacto standard. Much of the third party stuff you mentioned happens the same on IOS, just less so... there are still tons and tons of inaccessible apps where you have to go with trial and error, especialy with games, messaging apps, and apps that link to pieces of hardware like guitar peddles and the like. On windows, I already have to look for accessible mail clients and test web browsers, so doing it on another platform won't be all that different. I see why you switched, but how long ago was that and what was the most current and up to date version of Android you tried and from what company?

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