Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I have no idea what is causing that fire shield bug, or the armor one.  I'm just as stumped as everyone else, but then again, I haven't spent much time looking for the bug either.

There is a very real possibility that when I release my next game, people will judge it based on Swamp's bugs.  At this point that is going to happen no matter what I do, and I have already grown a rather large group of people who hate me due to issues from Swamp.  Someone hacks and I ban them, the next thing I know I have 5 or 6 of his friends going on and on about how they will hate me forever and will try to stop people from playing my future games.  Someone hacks the server, I spend a few days fixing it, and I'll get another few people who say they'll never forgive me for the items they lost as a result me the server being repaired.  I get people who say they'll leave and never play my games again if I don't change Swamp to fix somethi ng they think is unfair or unbalanced.  When I make the change I get just as many who hate me for making the change.  There is literally no way for me to win, and the longer it goes the more people are unhappy, so I've sort of just stopped caring what people think.

From the moment that Swamp development ended, there has always been "just 1 more thing" people said I needed to fix before Swamp should be considered finished.  While that was being solved (well it was the inventory bug, instant death bug, and I think a few other small ones) some wonderful people screwed everything up and we ended up with a worse situation than it was originally.  I again dumped many hours into coding to try to undo the damage, but it seems we still have the inventory bug and now some new weird situation with the shield, broken legs, and armor.

I just don't care about Swamp anymore, and I have no desire to waste more time on it.  Even when I check t he server logs every few days it feels like a waste of time.  I scroll through, and ignore, pages of people reporting each other for stupid things, throwing fits about lost items, and look at the list of attempted hacker attacks on the server.

If I get to a point where I feel Swamp's bugs will have too bad of an impact on my next game, then I'll destroy Swamp without a second thought.  When there is no more game, people can't complain about the bugs.  They also can't complain about being banned, knowing people who they want unbanned, or complaining that I ignored the last 20 skype messages they sent me.

I guess I'm all doom and gloom today, lol.


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