I have a problem with rotation package in bgt

Hi guise. We're developing an fps game, but we have a problem with it's rotation sound support:
first let me show you the code:
void sound_move()
else if(getdir(facing)==west)
else if(getdir(facing)==northeast)
else if(getdir(facing)==northwest)
else if(getdir(facing)==southeast)
else if(getdir(facing)==southwest)
The problem is when the player changes their facing to south or north, It works fine. But about east, west or anything else, It doesn't work as it secspected. For e xample, when facing is east and when the player walks with down arow, of cource their x coords need to be lower and this thing happens. But the sounds goes littlelary to the right. It seams that sound pool just handles player and north and south directions. I believe I have to write another code or do something to fixthis, But this is my first time that I'm trying to use rotation support, So I don't know how, what or which code I have to write. Please answer me as quickly as possible The game is frozen for this problem Lol!
Btw, I have updated the sound pools like this. Example: p.update_listener_3d(me.x, me.y, me.z, hering_facing);

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