Re: Rogue one, thoughts?

@Simba, I don't know what you mean by "teaser more action film" It certainly is part of the starwars plot since it leads directly into A new hope, though it isn't about the main starwars cast such as Luke, Han, etc.

To be honest though that's not really an excuse for making a film with far too little plot s opposed to action, indeed it does make me worry for episode 8 given that The force awakens was sort of pure fluf, aleit entertaining fluff, but nothing with much substance and far too many questions, eg, where did that new evil empire come from? Why has random witch lady got Luke's light saber? and wasn't Darth vader's helmet burned on Endor?

@Drumbs6`1, I can see why missing out all the extended universe books got on your wick. I'll confess it didn't bother me as much since I haven't really checked those out, since I find the majority of novels produced from tv series or the like to be a bit disappointing and often a little directionless ---- one reason I like the fact the big finish doctor who audio dramas have a main producer who is able to curb some of the writer's excesses, though even those go a bit too far off the rails on occasion.

I don't think it would've been as bad if they gave us a little more by way of interesting backstory and the like in the actual films, but there was far too much "because it is!" eg, where the first order came from, who this snoke guy is etc.

Then again Abrams is no respector of other peole's plot, look at his copout alternative timeline excuse for the new trek films, though those don't bother me as much as starwars since I was never really a fan of kirk and Spok and co anyway.

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