Re: wich is the best space moo out there?

Combat in Star Conquest isn't really badly written from my standpoint, I personally just found it was a matter of messing with options for ships so you don't see who's firing upon whom, ignoring particular messages, etc. Combining that skill with the soundpack makes it a lot easier, since some messages should be shortened. I actually find combat in Star Conquest a lot simpler than in Miriani, mainly because it actually takes accelleration into account and also let's you track ships around you, as opposed to you simply not moving until the ship has stopped and constantly having to enter a command to see ship coordinates. It can be pretty fast-paced though, especially during invasions where you have to  avoid allies fighting around you. There's always somebody shooting me by accident though due to trigger happiness. I'm not playing Star Conquest anymore though, mainly because of how the player base is turning out, and it always seems to me that ver y much the same players are the ones in charge even when they appear washed out. Plus, the cockiness and attitude of those players gets rather boring. They can go back to raising money for rebuilding by selling pictures of themselves, but I'm not buying any.

Miriani is actually the first space MOO I played, and I really enjoyed it for a long time, until the pirates sort of got free rein. At first, it seemed as if the hosts were attempting to nullify it slightly by implementing counter measures to fight their workarounds. Nowadays, though, looking at the boards it appears more as if the people fed up with pirating complains, the pirates complain more about how unfair it would be if they couldn't do as they pleased, and the hosts don't really seem to respond. The authorities (High Guard Command) is a joke, since they never really step in unless it aligns with an event somewhere. I got fed up myself, mostly because everybody is talking crap about the other, thinkin g they're so damned tough, or shooting at me when I just created a new character because shooting at an unupgraded cargo hauler in a battlecruiser is hard business, even more so when there's more than one ship joining in. Granted, they were terrible shots.

I do like Cosmic Rage, except for when my autospray upgrades weren't working yesterday after coming back after a while. That seriously sucked, and I never got an answer to whether they had changed something. I'd originally intended to play a little until I had to leave, but I ended up having to abandon the ship, and I'm probably dead now after catching fire because I didn't have the time to see if they were just temporarily broken spray bottles. Cosmic Rage is probably the one I've had the most fun playing for a long time. All the activities, combined with a different way to do them was nice.

I never really got into Prometheus, so I can't say a lot about that one. I did like it o riginally, but then the status system didn't seem to work according to the help file, and I was getting fewer points as opposed to more per level. Also, the few host interactions I did have made me feel like they just wanted to get me out of the way.

I'm looking forward to Star Mourn. I guess there's never really any MUD that's right for everybody, and the same definitely applies to these. I've had good experiences on all of them, and it's given me a lot of roleplay challenges when playing both male and female characters, until in the case of Miriani, it just became a case of jumping into bed with someone for favors or you'd get shot at. I probably won't ever revisit my opinion of the Miriani player base, since I severely do feel that it has gone downhill in the past few years, so I can't honestly recommend that MOO anymore.

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